Event Registration Workshop Register yourself for informative workshoporganized by Pakistan Autism Health Sciences and Research Foundation 11:00 - 01:00 01 March 2025 Registration Fee: Upto PKR 1000/- EasyPaisa: +92 (346) 0667669 Reserve your seat Full Name *Phone *Email Address *You are a? *OptionsParentStudentProfessional / OtherFee *OptionsParent - Rs 0/-Student - Rs 500/-Professional or other - Rs 1000/-Consent *Please submit your payment via EasyPaisa to the following account number: 0346-0667669. Parents are exempt from the registration fee. However, students, professionals, and other participants are required to complete the payment. After making the payment, kindly send your receipt to our official WhatsApp number: +92 321 8863744 for verification. By proceeding with the payment, you acknowledge and agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.Submit